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I used to think that I lived two different lives – law professor and lawyer by day, writer by night. I eventually came to realize that no matter the hour of the day, my passion is hearing and telling stories.

I was very fortunate to become involved in the Capital Jury Project early in my law teaching career. As part of the Project, we interviewed thousands of everyday citizens who as jurors were required to decide whether to impose a sentence of death on someone they had just convicted of murder. I was fascinated to hear their stories -- what had moved them, what had repulsed them, what had angered them as they wrestled with whether to give the defendant a life or death sentence. Through the jurors, I also became aware that the best lawyers were the best storytellers. As I often tell my students, if I were on trial for my life, I’d choose Shakespeare over Blackstone as my lawyer every time.

I eventually told the jurors’ stories in a non-fiction book, A LIFE AND DEATH DECISION: A JURY WEIGHS THE DEATH PENALTY (St. Martin’s Griffin). Because of the book, I now frequently work with capital defense lawyers on how to most effectively tell their client’s life story to the jury in a way that avoids a death sentence. This work is immensely satisfying but also emotionally trying.

Turned out the most effective way to deal with stress was to read and write fiction far removed from my life in the law. I especially love reading books that make me laugh and forget life’s worries, and I found the same to be true with my fiction writing. My children’s book, CUT DOWN TO SIZE AT HIGH NOON: A MATH ADVENTURE (Charlesbridge/Scholastic) tells the story of a showdown between two barbers in the Old West. My favorite comment on Amazon describes it as “one of the most silliest books that I have ever read … that kids will just enjoy.” Exactly, and why it was so fun to write.

I worked on my upcoming debut novel, WORDSWORTH IN BOGOTÁ (Black Rose Writing), over a period of years. It took awhile in part because my job and life were so busy, but also because I savored every minute of writing the story. On some level I did not want the story to end because I didn’t want to leave my new friends. You can learn more about the book on the next pages and I hope the characters have an opportunity to become your friends as well.




Sundby has crafted a captivating and amusing mystery packed with a unique blend of crime, adventure, and humor. I adored the narrative style right from the start, with a gentle undertone of the author's wit and tongue-in-cheek attitude subtly permeating the plot, letting you know you're safe with a confident storyteller. Sundby's playful approach to characters and plot made the novel a delightful read, celebrating resilience and the unexpected paths to understanding what truly matters in life … [T]he plot moves at a great pace to allow the characters and their different influences to sink in, yet there's never a dull moment as you can always feel a new twist building up …. Wordsworth in Bogotá is a truly unique work of crime fiction that I would recommend to fans of accomplished writing and brilliant character work.

K.C. Finn, Readers' Favorites, 5-Star Review


Scott E. Sundby excels at crafting a novel which defies pat categorization, at once operating as a story of literary and familial discovery, an account of illicit deals gone awry, and a probe of innocence and treachery …. Sundby's contrasts between the cultures and atmosphere of America versus South America are finely woven into the plot, lending a 'you are here' aura to unfolding events, while a host of characters fine-tune their relationships and interactions via the precision of literary and psychological undercurrents that run through the plot like a powerful river…. [Readers] seeking stories of suspense, intrigue, shifting relationships, and discovery will find Wordsworth in Bogotá  … hard to put down.

D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review


Wordsworth in Bogotá thrusts readers into the heart of the Velasquez Cartel's quest to reclaim their cocaine empire after the seismic events of 9/11. At the center of this resurgence, Estaban, the quiet, bookish younger son, devises a cunning plan. His scheme, steeped in his passion for poetry and literature, becomes the unexpected vehicle for smuggling drugs into the United States….

Wordsworth in Bogotá brims with characters in flux, each striving to find their way as they become enmeshed in Estaban's intricate scheme. The novel delves into themes of life, youth, faith, and the ethical dilemmas posed by fortune and power. It challenges readers to ponder what truly holds value in a world driven by ambition. This book is a remarkable piece of literature … [as] Sundby skillfully weaves intrigue and conspiracy into the narrative. For those who enjoy a blend of philosophy and espionage, this book is an engaging and thought-provoking read.

Literary Titan


Wordsworth in Bogotá … presents a fascinating narrative that intricately weaves together themes of ambition, identity, and the consequences of one's choices … The narrative explores the conflict between what society expects and personal desires, highlighting the characters' struggles and insecurities… [The] writing is both engaging and introspective, with a blend of humor and poignancy. The dialogue is sharp and often laced with irony, adding depth to the interactions …. The portrayal of the characters' friendships and conflicts shows how complicated human connections can be. With its gripping plot and insightful exploration of human nature, Wordsworth in Bogotá … shows strength of storytelling and the complicated aspects of life.

Manik Chaturmutha, Readers' Favorite, 5-Star Review

Building on the fervor that swept America in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks, Sundby creates an engaging story of love and cocaine from the perspective of a Colombian drug lord…. Sundby creates remarkable depth by balancing humor and seriousness in equal measure …. The banter is entertaining and, in most parts, flows poetically, as can be expected from a narrative built around characters with a reverence for the spoken word. Sundby's deliberately slow pace in this chess game of wits adds to the excitement. It immerses readers as they discover a narrative whose romantic component is just as crucial as its adventure subplot. Wordsworth in Bogotá will thrill mystery and adventure enthusiasts thanks to Sundby's extraordinary storytelling abilities and captivating mini-mysteries within a perplexing larger narrative.

Essien Asian, Readers' Favorite, 5-Star Review